Spring Décor Roundup
Just a little roundup of Spring and Easter décor chez moi. I will admit I didn't get super-crazy-into-it this spring. I usually have a large mantlescape with every season. Right now my tobacco basket is there until I convince the husband to help me hang it over the sectional, its intended home. For now, it's here, which isn't terrible because I can gaze at it lovingly while we're in the living room watching television. Oh that patina!
I have been changing it up just a little in the mantle with the addition of my spalted maple bowl next to the basket and some seasonal flair.
This adorable beaded pillow was a DOLLAR at Christmas Tree Shops. How could I not?
And Mr Bunny and his attitudely head tilt. I found him at Pier 1 years ago. The bowl was a wedding gift, it's from Cazenvia Cutblock.
Over in the dining room I found a use for Savannah underbed baskets from Pottery Barn that were the wrong size for another project and I was too lazy to return (read: didn't feel like schlepping through the mall with them and my toddler and also have a known basket accumulation problem)
Top of dining room hutch. Lanterns and pitcher are from Pottery Barn
Mr Puddleduck was a vintage score. He was marked $15 and she immediately said I could have him for $7. #nobrainer #comewithmeduck
I like collecting rocks and the earthyness they bring inside. The rocks in the glass in the foreground are from Canberry Lake in the Adirondacks, and the ones in back are from our honeymoon on Martha's Vineyard. It's a fun way to keep memories of our trips. Okay! Roundup complete! Thanks for stopping by!
xoxo jamie
I just love your sense of style and how you mix different things to make beautiful presentations! That tobacco basket is to die for!!!