When I first got pregnant, we both agreed we wouldn't have one of those homes full of plastic kids toys junking up the place. I *do* wish now that my son is two, that we actually had a place to dedicate for his toys (trucks.) Unfortunately, our modest colonial revival has no such space. Our living room is actually quite large, so we've made the best of it and created a playzone for him at one end. We have tried to blend our love of antiques with his love of trucks. In my early pregnant mind, it was totally possible to have my home stay the way it was. I have since realized it isn't the worst thing in the world that people can tell our house is filled with a giant toddler and all his passions. In the meantime, I comfort myself with the idea that I will *someday* be able to put all my chotchkeys out again....
Thanks for stopping by! xoxo jamie
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