Fabric Wrapped Extension Cord
One Christmas a few years ago I saw these amazing fabric wrapped extension cords at the "stocking stuffer" section in Lowe's. They look like the vintage cords that appliances had in the beginning. I was standing there dumbfounded like 1) those are amazing 2) I need them 3) and why did they ever stop making fabric wrapped cords?
If you live in an older house like me then you know there is never an outlet where you need one, and if there is, it is not sufficient for your needs. That is why I absolutely love using these cords! In a lot of cases there's no hiding said cord, so why not have it be pretty?! The cords we have are these Globe Electric gold striped ones. I like that they sort of blend in a little with the white baseboards and have a little bling to them. They're 9 ft long and have three outlets and they are...wait for it....only $4.97!!!
Here's a closeup!
It has a flat plug which is great if the cord needs to be behind a piece of furniture!
Lowe's also sells this camouflage one which I think could be fun for a boys room! Also
Now this one is #extensioncordgoals! It is from Schoolhouse and it is so pretty but $48. It's HOUNDSTOOTH people! And super authentic, right? Sigh.
Here's how one of our cords looks by the couch! Just being all fancy. Did you notice it in the top photo? ;-)
So I'm submitting this as my next #hautequotidian household item! As a reminder what this series is about:
Haute: fashionably elegant or high class
Quotidian: ordinary or everyday, especially when mundane, pertaining to daily life
Quotidian: ordinary or everyday, especially when mundane, pertaining to daily life
So, items that step up the game in the mundane world of household goods! My first pick was Mrs. Meyer's soap products, here's a link to that post! Let me know what you think!!
xoxo jamie
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